Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Super-Super Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#2539 Ayase Alisa
1 1 1 1 1 全力サポート[SSR]: Raise skill level when fed
#2540 Watanabe Tsuki
1 1 1 1 1 全力サポート[SSR]: Raise skill level when fed
#2541 Kawamoto Misato
1 1 1 1 1 全力サポート[SSR]: Raise skill level when fed
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#2535 Kosaka Honoka
5 60 3245 4715 4135 オータムギフト: Every 30x combo: increase note score based on current combo count for 3.5..7.0 sec (31..52%)
#2536 Minami Kotori
5 60 3565 3795 4695 あなたのための情熱: Every 27 perfects: increase Perfect notes' score gain by 165..410 for 3.5..7.0 sec (25..53%)
#2537 Sakurauchi Riko
5 60 3155 3475 5375 生クリームに包まれて: Every 20 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 2..4 (38..66%)
#2538 Uehara Ayumu
5 60 3505 4725 3905 あなたを待ってた: Every 22 notes: restore 4..7 HP (31..73%)
#2542 Hoshizora Rin
5 60 3915 4275 2845 守護石の導き: Every 22x combo: gain 480..900 score (26..40%)
render time (so far): 0.7624626159667969 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod