Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#2591 Ayase Eli
5 1 3830 3250 2360 ホーリー・ベル: Every 26x combo: increase note score based on current combo count for 3.5..7.0 sec (18..39%)
#2592 Yazawa Nico
5 1 2910 3810 2680 神様、聞いてください: Every 23 perfects: increase Perfect notes' score gain by 110..285 for 3.0..6.5 sec (36..71%)
#2593 Takami Chika
5 1 2590 4490 2270 みかん代表!?: Every 20 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 2..4 (38..66%)
#2594 Osaka Shizuku
5 1 3060 2570 3850 私たちのストーリー: Every 26 notes: restore 5..8 HP (28..77%)
#2595 Kosaka Honoka
4 1 2560 4520 2360 喜びを歌おう: Every 23 notes: gain 685..3450 score (31..66%)
#2596 Minami Kotori
4 1 2240 4560 2680 ことりの翼で: Every 28 notes: increase skill activation rate by 13..27% for 2.5..6.0 sec (23..44%)
#2597 Sonoda Umi
4 1 2680 2240 4560 ほのかな予感: Every 31 notes: increase skill activation rate by 9..23% for 4.5..8.0 sec (21..42%)
#2598 Takami Chika
4 1 2660 2260 4560 大好きを届けに: Every 28 notes: increase skill activation rate by 12..26% for 4.0..7.5 sec (16..37%)
#2599 Sakurauchi Riko
4 1 2580 2340 4520 嬉しい音を聞かせて: Every 25 notes: gain 610..3375 score (38..73%)
#2600 Watanabe You
4 1 4560 2710 2210 私の全速力♪: Every 32 notes: increase skill activation rate by 13..27% for 3.0..6.5 sec (24..45%)
#2601 Kurosawa Dia
5 1 3390 2260 2720 胸躍る新世界: Every 27 perfects: gain 500..745 score (32..60%)
render time (so far): 0.9882450103759766 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod