Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#2627 Takami Chika
4 60 3435 5375 3075 みんなのパワー: Every 28 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (31..59%)
#2628 Sakurauchi Riko
4 60 5445 3125 3565 もっと一緒に: Every 31 notes: increase skill activation rate by 10..24% for 2.5..6.0 sec (38..52%)
#2629 Matsuura Kanan
4 60 3195 5375 3435 瞬きを忘れて: Every 28 notes: increase AZALEA members' appeal by 20..41% for 3.0..5.0 sec (11..39%)
#2630 Kurosawa Dia
4 60 5375 3195 3435 高まる期待: Every 31 notes: increase AZALEA members' appeal by 10..31% for 3.0..5.0 sec (22..57%)
#2632 Watanabe You
4 60 3125 3565 5445 溢れる想い: Every 29 notes: increase skill activation rate by 11..25% for 4.0..7.5 sec (18..39%)
#2633 Tsushima Yohane
4 60 3125 5445 3565 聖なるリトルデーモン: Every 32 notes: increase skill activation rate by 14..28% for 3.5..7.0 sec (19..40%)
#2634 Kunikida Hanamaru
4 60 3425 3085 5375 自己ベスト更新ずら♪: Every 26 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (28..56%)
#2635 Ohara Mari
4 60 3435 3195 5375 シャイニングシャウト: Every 33 notes: increase Guilty Kiss members' appeal by 15..36% for 3.0..5.0 sec (17..52%)
#2636 Kurosawa Ruby
4 60 5375 3425 3085 みんなの雪の結晶: Every 23 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (22..50%)
render time (so far): 0.9014606475830078 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod