Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3185 Kosaka Honoka
6 100 4500 4100 5350 雪上の太陽: Every 30 notes: increase skill activation rate by 15..50% for 1.0..4.5 sec (27..55%)
#3186 Hoshizora Rin
6 100 4800 5260 3890 キラメキウィンター: Every 19 notes: copy the stats of a first-year μ's member for 3.0..6.5 sec (53..88%)
#3187 Yazawa Nico
6 100 4380 4160 5280 ゲレンデの妖精: Every 29 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (12..40%)
#3211 Sonoda Umi
6 100 4100 5350 4500 あつあつパンダまん: Every 33 notes: increase skill activation rate by 18..53% for 1.0..4.5 sec (26..54%)
#3212 Tojo Nozomi
6 100 3890 4800 5260 占ってもらう刺激: Every 19 notes: copy the stats of a third-year μ's member for 3.0..6.5 sec (53..88%)
#3213 Koizumi Hanayo
6 100 5350 4500 4100 お披露目チャイナ娘: Every 32 notes: increase skill activation rate by 17..52% for 1.0..4.5 sec (25..53%)
#3252 Ayase Eli
6 100 4100 5320 4490 はにかみセーラー: Every 25 notes: greater perfect lock for 6.0..9.5 sec (28..63%)
#3253 Minami Kotori
6 100 4130 5280 4290 揺れるスカーフ: Every 27 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (31..59%)
#3254 Nishikino Maki
6 100 5350 4100 4500 背中を押す歌: Every 28 notes: increase skill activation rate by 15..50% for 1.0..4.5 sec (27..48%)
render time (so far): 4.159688949584961 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod