Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3735 Kosaka Honoka
5 1 820 6170 4420 サークルメモリー: Every 23 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (26..54%)
#3736 Tojo Nozomi
5 1 4420 820 6170 サプライズ・ビジター: Every 15 notes: restore 8..15 HP (29..57%)
#3737 Konoe Kanata
5 1 3830 3000 2610 ワガママOK!: Every 15 notes: greater perfect lock for 2.0..5.5 sec (55..69%)
#3738 Kosaka Honoka
5 1 2160 1760 6170 髪型を変えてみて: Every 51 notes: gain 6550..26605 score (9..23%)
#3739 Minami Kotori
5 1 1760 6170 2160 感謝の気持ち: Every 48 notes: gain 6175..25040 score (9..23%)
#3740 Sonoda Umi
5 1 6170 2160 1760 ネコを意識して: Every 54 notes: gain 6245..27000 score (10..24%)
#3741 Takami Chika
5 1 2160 1760 6170 サンタチカチー☆: Every 54 notes: gain 8520..28225 score (10..24%)
#3742 Sakurauchi Riko
5 1 1760 6170 2160 地上の星: Every 51 notes: gain 8950..27815 score (9..23%)
#3743 Watanabe You
5 1 6170 2160 1760 パーティ気分で: Every 45 notes: gain 8860..25660 score (8..22%)
render time (so far): 2.1224021911621094 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod