Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3140 Takami Chika
4 80 5680 3380 3860 想い出の安全ピン: Every 19 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (14..42%)
#3141 Sakurauchi Riko
4 80 3380 3860 5680 支え合う仲間: Every 17 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (12..40%)
#3142 Matsuura Kanan
4 80 3450 3850 5750 未完成の輝き: Every 30 notes: increase skill activation rate by 17..52% for 1.0..4.5 sec (23..51%)
#3143 Kurosawa Dia
4 80 3540 5760 3710 思いやる心の絆: Every 40 notes: gain 10490..17455 score (4..25%)
#3144 Watanabe You
4 80 5680 3860 3380 始まりの時の情熱: Every 16 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (11..39%)
#3145 Tsushima Yohane
4 80 3540 5760 3710 揺るがない魂の名: Every 54 notes: gain 8125..21040 score (7..28%)
#3146 Kunikida Hanamaru
4 80 3850 5750 3450 最高の差し入れ: Every 31 notes: increase skill activation rate by 16..51% for 1.0..4.5 sec (25..53%)
#3147 Ohara Mari
4 80 5760 3540 3710 しめ縄リボン: Every 42 notes: gain 8835..17620 score (5..26%)
#3148 Kurosawa Ruby
4 80 3380 3740 5680 衣装係ルビィ: Every 17 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (10..38%)
render time (so far): 7.814645767211914 (ms)
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