Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3015 Matsuura Kanan
4 40 5095 3265 2745 どんな天気でも: Every 24 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 2..4 (50..78%)
#3016 Kurosawa Dia
4 40 2775 3255 5075 雨が上がったら: Every 22 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 2..4 (44..72%)
#3017 Ohara Mari
4 40 3255 5075 2775 ご機嫌レイニーデイ: Every 23 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 2..4 (47..75%)
#3018 Asaka Karin
4 40 5105 2925 3165 なんでも聞いて: Every 29 notes: gain 840..3885 score (32..74%)
#3019 Konoe Kanata
4 40 3165 5105 2925 今日は夜更かし: Every 29 notes: gain 910..4340 score (31..66%)
#3020 Emma Verde
4 40 2925 3165 5105 楽しい驚き: Every 27 notes: gain 730..3810 score (35..70%)
render time (so far): 1.3213157653808594 (ms)
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