Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Super-Super Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3571 Ohara Mari
5 90 4350 3480 5120 沼津を満喫: Every 23 notes: greater perfect lock for 5.0..8.5 sec (25..60%)
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3568 Matsuura Kanan
6 100 4500 4100 5350 渚のお茶娘: Every 31 notes: increase skill activation rate by 53..60% for 1.5..5.0 sec (20..55%)
#3569 Watanabe You
6 100 4100 5320 4490 茶娘姿でパチリ: Every 23 notes: greater perfect lock for 5.0..8.5 sec (30..65%)
#3570 Tsushima Yohane
6 100 4100 5320 4500 茶畑の堕天使: Every 14 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (12..40%)
#3572 Yuki Setsuna
6 100 3450 4880 4520 目指す先のその先へ: Every 31x combo: gain 720..1315 score (25..39%)
render time (so far): 2.191781997680664 (ms)
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