Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3589 Takami Chika
5 40 1125 7035 5005 もっと泳ぎたくて: Every 23 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (36..64%)
#3590 Sakurauchi Riko
5 40 7035 5005 1125 ひんやりかき氷: Every 13 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (13..41%)
#3591 Watanabe You
5 40 5005 1125 7035 スペシャルドリンク♪: Every 80 notes: gain 5625..20535 score (30..51%)
#3595 Tsushima Yohane
5 40 7035 5005 1125 真夏の夜の堕天使: Every 29 notes: increase skill activation rate by 18..53% for 2.7..5.5 sec (14..49%)
#3596 Kunikida Hanamaru
5 40 1125 7035 5005 フロートに乗って: Every 25 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (41..69%)
#3597 Kurosawa Ruby
5 40 5005 1125 7035 お魚さんに乗って: Every 24 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (39..67%)
#3601 Matsuura Kanan
5 40 5005 1125 7035 泳ぎの季節: Every 60 notes: gain 6310..19155 score (20..41%)
#3602 Kurosawa Dia
5 40 7035 5005 1125 髪を束ねて: Every 11 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (7..35%)
#3603 Ohara Mari
5 40 1125 7035 5005 サマースケジュール: Every 87 notes: gain 5215..20335 score (35..56%)
render time (so far): 1.4543533325195312 (ms)
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