Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3661 Tsushima Yohane
5 60 5305 1425 7335 興奮の渦: Every 60 notes: gain 11465..31415 score (11..25%)
#3662 Kunikida Hanamaru
5 60 7335 5305 1425 背中を押したくて: Every 50 notes: gain 11655..28455 score (9..23%)
#3663 Kurosawa Ruby
5 60 1425 7335 5305 強い想い: Every 30 notes: gain 6300..23100 score (10..17%)
#3676 Takami Chika
5 60 7335 5305 1425 ハートに響かせて: Every 51 notes: gain 13405..30345 score (8..22%)
#3677 Sakurauchi Riko
5 60 5305 1425 7335 オンリーワンの個性: Every 16 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (15..43%)
#3678 Watanabe You
5 60 1425 7335 5305 ロックなAqours: Every 45 notes: gain 11830..26775 score (8..22%)
#3689 Matsuura Kanan
5 60 1425 7335 5305 クールで熱く: Every 17 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (18..46%)
#3690 Kurosawa Dia
5 60 5305 1425 7335 全身で表現したいから: Every 20 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (26..54%)
#3691 Ohara Mari
5 60 7335 5305 1425 シャイニーパッション: Every 53 notes: increase skill activation rate by 26..75% for 1.6..6.5 sec (39..67%)
render time (so far): 1.4452934265136719 (ms)
treasurebox version 914f4a8, hosting ark set sv-59.4-pk-4.1873 on python310-prod