Stats at level 1 30 40 60 80 100 Stats at max level Sort: Ordinal Smile Pure Cool Full view
Ultra Rare HP Lv. Smile Pure Cool Skill
#3894 Takami Chika
6 100 7870 7430 7210 今始まる未来: Every 37 notes: increase skill activation rate by 125..146% for 2.1..7.0 sec (22..50%)
#3895 Sakurauchi Riko
6 100 7430 7210 7870 未来を告げる風: Every 36 notes: gain 4490..28360 score (11..18%)
#3896 Matsuura Kanan
6 100 7430 7210 7870 バタフライエフェクト: Every 72 notes: gain 7575..37815 score (13..27%)
#3897 Kurosawa Dia
6 100 7210 7870 7430 前進あるのみ!: Every 81 notes: gain 7370..39605 score (15..29%)
#3898 Watanabe You
6 100 7210 7870 7430 光指す水平線: Every 9 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (16..51%)
#3899 Tsushima Yohane
6 100 7210 7870 7430 一瞬の瞬きの間に: Every 18 notes: repeat the effect of the last-activated skill (34..69%)
#3900 Kunikida Hanamaru
6 100 7870 7430 7210 まだ知らぬ世界へ: Every 6 notes: increase the effective level of the next skill that activates by 6..8 (9..30%)
#3901 Ohara Mari
6 100 7870 7430 7210 広い世界で一つの奇跡: Every 41 notes: increase skill activation rate by 110..152% for 2.1..7.0 sec (26..54%)
#3902 Kurosawa Ruby
6 100 7430 7210 7870 華やぐ笑顔: Every 27 notes: gain 4630..25525 score (8..15%)
render time (so far): 1.13677978515625 (ms)
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