#1518 Want One?

Minami Kotori

#1518 Want One?

Minami Kotori

2180 4020 1800
HP: 3
Max level: 60 (40) Max kizuna bonus: 200 (100) XP to max level: 13500 Sale price: 123120G
1 -
+ 60
Want One?
Every 20 notes: 36..50% chance to restore 1..3 stamina points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Pure Power
Raise the team's Pure by 3%.
This card
292ndhighest Smile
149thhighest Pure
329thhighest Cool
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
Skill activates
(listen) Chun-chun!
Home screen (during cameo appearance)
(listen) You haven't forgotten about me...have you?
After live cleared
(listen) What fun!
After live failure
(listen) *Sigh* We messed up...
After live begins
(listen) Yeah, yeah, whoo!
Gaining kizuna
(listen) Love you!
Hitting max kizuna (kizuna maxed)
(listen) I'm always happy to be with you.
When touched
(listen) These cookies are fresh out of the oven, so they're a little hot. Smell that yummy steam coming off them?
When touched
(listen) I'm always super happy when someone says they like my cookies. It makes me wanna go and bake more!
Any time
(listen) Baking cookies always makes me feel happy. Maybe it's the sweet smell?
When date is 1-1 to 12-31
(listen) Baking cookies always makes me feel happy. Maybe it's the sweet smell?