Switch to table view
1990 1880 3630
HP: 3
Max level: 60 (40) Max kizuna bonus: 200 (100) XP to max level: 13500 Sale price: 123120G
1 -
+ 40 60
Rhythmical Charm
Every 17× combo: 36..50% chance to add 200..400 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Power
Raise the team's Cool by 3%.
This card
309thhighest Smile
326thhighest Pure
186thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Leah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
1860 1990 3650
HP: 3
Max level: 60 (40) Max kizuna bonus: 200 (100) XP to max level: 13500 Sale price: 123120G
1 -
+ 40 60
Total Charm
Every 20 notes: 36..50% chance to add 220..420 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Power
Raise the team's Cool by 3%.
This card
321sthighest Smile
315thhighest Pure
184thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Sarah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1376 Burning Soul

Kazuno Leah

#1376 Burning Soul

Kazuno Leah

3410 3980 4770
HP: 4
Max level: 80 (60) Max kizuna bonus: 500 (250) XP to max level: 36800 Sale price: 360000G
1 -
+ 60 80
Burning Soul
Every 27 notes: 37..58% chance to add 360..640 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Heart
Raise the team's Cool by 6%.
This card
209thhighest Smile
153rdhighest Pure
72ndhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Leah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1555 To Keep Evolving

Kazuno Leah

#1555 To Keep Evolving

Kazuno Leah

3650 4700 3820
HP: 4
Max level: 80 (60) Max kizuna bonus: 500 (250) XP to max level: 36800 Sale price: 360000G
1 -
+ 60 80
To Keep Evolving
Every 23× combo: 37..58% chance to add 350..595 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Pure Heart
Raise the team's Pure by 6%.
This card
185thhighest Smile
81sthighest Pure
167thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Leah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1377 As Their Rival

Kazuno Sarah

#1377 As Their Rival

Kazuno Sarah

3980 3410 4770
HP: 4
Max level: 80 (60) Max kizuna bonus: 500 (250) XP to max level: 36800 Sale price: 360000G
1 -
+ 60 80
As Their Rival
Every 24 notes: 36..64% chance to add 330..505 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Heart
Raise the team's Cool by 6%.
This card
152ndhighest Smile
210thhighest Pure
72ndhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Sarah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1556 Like Only We Can

Kazuno Sarah

#1556 Like Only We Can

Kazuno Sarah

3650 4700 3820
HP: 4
Max level: 80 (60) Max kizuna bonus: 500 (250) XP to max level: 36800 Sale price: 360000G
1 -
+ 60 80
Like Only We Can
Every 25× combo: 38..52% chance to add 370..755 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Pure Heart
Raise the team's Pure by 6%.
This card
185thhighest Smile
81sthighest Pure
167thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Sarah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1945 Eleven Snowflakes

Kazuno Leah

#1945 Eleven Snowflakes

Kazuno Leah

4330 3030 4920
HP: 5
Max level: 90 (70) Max kizuna bonus: 750 (375) XP to max level: 56657 Sale price: 507600G
1 -
+ 70 90
Eleven Snowflakes
Every 24 perfects: 30..58% chance to add 520..800 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Heart
Raise the team's Cool by 6%.
This card
117thhighest Smile
248thhighest Pure
57thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Leah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.
#1946 Our True Power

Kazuno Sarah

#1946 Our True Power

Kazuno Sarah

3030 4330 4920
HP: 5
Max level: 90 (70) Max kizuna bonus: 750 (375) XP to max level: 56657 Sale price: 507600G
1 -
+ 70 90
Our True Power
Every 22 perfects: 32..46% chance to add 445..935 score points.
At skill level
+ Max
Leader Skill Cool Heart
Raise the team's Cool by 6%.
This card
246thhighest Smile
118thhighest Pure
57thhighest Cool
Cards of Kazuno Sarah
Rare Super Rare Super-Super Rare
First seen on 2019-11-18, according to internal logs.